Neenah Paper (NYSE: NP) has just released a new collection of corporate annual reports printed on a variety of its premium smooth, textured and colored papers. Each complete sample demonstrates the impact an annual report or corporate sustainability report can have on a company, and even the economy. A well-done printed annual report breeds confidence in employees, potential employees, and investors.
Neenah selected four 2009 annual reports to be included in the kit along with a brochure titled “Thoughts on Annual Reports and Global Happiness.” Those looking for ideas to incorporate into their own designs will find reports from VF Corporation, a branded apparel retailer; Audubon, an organization dedicated to the conservation and restoration of natural ecosystems; Ceres, a national network of organizations and investors that works to integrate sustainability into capital markets; and Neenah Paper’s own annual report. They all showcase the tactile and visual appeal of using premium uncoated papers to personalize the corporate message to the individual investor.
“An annual report must communicate credibility and transparency, as well as establish a memorable connection with stakeholders. Neenah provides an extraordinary selection of textures and colors that offer designers opportunities to make that connection,” says Tom Wright, director of advertising and promotions for Neenah Paper. “Excellent performance on press, availability in a wide range of textures, colors, and environmental attributes, as well as pricing that works within any AR budget—these are the factors that make our Text and Cover papers the ideal choice for annual reports.”
Neenah’s own internationally award-winning report titled “What We Believe” is a stunning example of a well-articulated message communicated through a mixture of striking imagery and strong typography, then printed on a rich selection of papers. Designed by Addison of New York City, the book communicates core values and corporate strength in spite of the severe economic downturn. The sturdy hardcover book wrapped with decorative component cover material from Neenah’s Technical Products Division belies the beautiful use of textured, colored, and pearlized papers inside. Each page clearly demonstrates just how much the paper selection contributes to the overall impact of any printed piece.